Week1: GD210 Devlog

The first thing that our team goal has come to the conclusion is that we were going to work on our own original pitch that we had come up with rather than working on a single pitch together. Which we would fix upon feedback that we have gotten from each to our pitch which would be changed or fixed if it needs.

Then the second is the goal that I need or do is to form a presentation of what my game will look like when my teammate see what kind of game that I'm going for so I can get feedback from him so I could make the changes I need to for the final result of my game so everyone can be understood what my game is going to be about.

Next thing is that for next week I would need to make sure that I can have a readable presentation of what game I'm going to be about so I can get the feedback of what of my game I need to fix up or add any other mechanic of what my game need for better some good game so they kind of require that I will be looking for is:

Adding some characters

location within the house

some items or characters that will talk. 

The fourth thing is what I have accomplished within the last week will I have just accomplished of making a couple of loaction, characters, and a couple of items for my game. So, I could get feedback on what I did well and what I need to improve on within my game and I will have to take the feedback and make changes on what I need to improve on the game I had made that would still need to fully complete.

Then another thing is that by this week I would take the feedback that I would be given from my teammate and other classmate and take that feedback work on the thing that is needed to fix.

The last thing that I have learned from using Bisty is that I have to be careful on what I use for character and where I put the characters, iteam, and etc because I have limits on where I put them.

Get The Forgotten House

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