Journal Response Level-05: Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design and The Trust Spectrum

After reading  "Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design" by Wiley and "The Trust Spectrum" by Raph Koster which I learned from "The Trust Spectrum" I would have to agree and kind of disagree with this reading. Because when having the trust spectrum with a team can be very inconsistent because not everyone would have the same goal when it come to a video game because sometimes people would do what they want to do within the game. Now, this can be true in some cases when playing video games because sometimes people would work together within the game and sports because I thought that soccer would have some high level of the spectrum because you must be able to commute with your teammate. Then another thing that I have to say that the trust spectrum would be like a designer to have let the player have a sense of trust when looking at their game like letting the player to explore the game world. Because it would be like a lazy designer would put an invisible wall so the player could not explore the designer game it would be like having a low trust within the spectrum with that designer that is lazy. But what happens if that having an invisible wall put there by the lazy designer design when designers want to have an invisible wall than letting the player explore their game.

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